Get into SARTA and learn about who relies on our service, how we help persons with disabilities, and where we take you.

SARTA’s 32 fixed routes travel to and from thousands of destinations in Stark County and beyond. To view/download detailed information about each route, including a schedule, map, and list of points of interest, simply click on the list below.
Not sure which route travels to and from your destination? We make it easy to find your ride…
Google Maps Trip Planner – Enter your starting point, where you want to go, date and time of travel in the “Plan a Trip” form on this page. Then click or tap “GO.” In seconds you will receive a detailed map, Route #, stop locations, departure and arrival times, and other info you’ll need for your trip.
Destination Search – Use our search engine to find the fixed route or routes that provide service to destinations across the region. Enter a specific place or filter by name, geographic location, type of business, agency, activity, or point of interest. For example, shopping centers in Alliance. Then click on the route number(s) to view schedules and maps.

In addition to our fixed routes, SARTA offers a variety of on-demand services that make traveling across Stark County and beyond easy and convenient.
Every year thousands of people with disabilities use Proline to travel to work, school, medical appointments, shopping, senior centers, libraries, parks, and hundreds of other destinations in and around Stark County. We are extremely proud of the essential role SARTA and Proline play in enabling these valued and valuable members of our community to live full, independent lives.
At SARTA we’re driven to improve the quality of life in Stark County.
That’s why we created Medline, the innovative service for people with disabilities who hold Level One Medicaid waivers.
Medline delivers free non-medical transportation to qualified riders on specially equipped vehicles driven by highly trained SARTA staff.
That’s why people with disabilities, family members and DD Board caseworkers trust and depend on Medline.
If you or someone you love uses MedLine, thanks for making SARTA part of your life
If you’re interested in using Medline call 330-47 SARTA or visiting SARTA online .com to learn more about this life-changing service.

We offer a variety of tickets, fares, and discount programs that fit every budget and meet every need.
Ride a little? Our all-day pass is the ticket for you. Ride our fixed routes wherever you want as many times as you want in one day for just $3!
Riding a lot? Our 31-day pass buys unlimited rides and big savings for people who depend on SARTA to get where they need to go 30, 40, 50, or more times a month. It’s the best deal on wheels.
Are you a senior, person with disabilities, or student? We have discounts for you.
SARTA Tickets and Passes can be purchased:
- At any SARTA Transit Center
- Tickets and Passes can be purchased/loaded onto a SARTA SCORE Card
- Can purchase paper/magnetic stripe tickets and passes.
- On EZFare, SARTA’s Mobile Ticketing App (Not all passes are available/offered)
- On SARTA’s Ticket Vending Machine located at the Cornerstone Transit Center
- SCORE Cards can be ordered/reloaded online at

Sure, we’re all about Stark County, but did you know we have express fixed routes to Akron and Cleveland? Just take our route 81 (that’s Akron) or our route 4 (to Cleveland).
Shop, eat, site-see, catch a game, or visit that OTHER hall of fame. We also take veterans to their Wade Park appointments for free!
Plan your next trip to Akron or Cleveland and SARTA will get you there!